In God’s church, one’s ministry is discovered through one’s identity. 1 Peter 2:9 explains that identity in four ways: “a chosen generation,” “a royal priesthood,” “a holy nation,” and “His own special people.” This is how Jesus describes His followers.
1 Peter 2:9 says, “you are a chosen generation.” The word “generation” literally means “the elect offspring.” It is describing when life begins creating life. This simply means that you are in the family of God. He identifies you now not as an offspring of God. John 3:3 says, “Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’” He continues, “you are a royal priesthood.” The word “royal” means “kingly.” You are a kingly priest. Did you know that you are royalty? Did you know that you are a king, a queen? A regular mechanic from Maryland discovered he was a king, and Morgan Wright wrote about his story, “It’s just a bizarre story and unbelievable story. A lot of people ask me what I get, and not much, something I can claim,” said Drew Howe, manager at Mr. Tire and king of the Isle of Man. Howe actually got much more when he discovered he was a king. He appeared on TLC’s “Suddenly Royal” which aired last year and documented his trip to the Isle of Man. This all stemmed as a result of Howe researching his ancestry online and posting to social media about his findings. “Started posting stuff online, and then eventually I got an email one day – a guy saying he was a genealogist in London and said he thought I might be the king of Isle of Man,” Howe said. Howe’s claim to fame is well documented and even well supported. An official royal press release states that David Howe is the legal heir to the Kingdom of Mann and the Isles. The stamp of approval, however, came from the queen herself. Queen Elizabeth II published a legal notice to Howe and his claim as hereditary de jure King of Man. “Back in 2007, my claim was Gazetted in the London Gazette – that’s the Queen’s paper of record. So, if the White House put out a publication, that’s essentially what the London Gazette is,” Howe said. He’s an everyday guy and family man, but he has an extraordinary background. “Early on, it was kind of surreal, but now it’s part of everyday life balancing being a manager for Mr. Tire and being a king, where I really don’t have to do anything,” Howe said. His duties as king are limited as the head of state, and the Lord of Mann is Queen Elizabeth II.[1] There was a television show called “Suddenly Royal” which showed a mechanic named David Howe from Maryland who discovered he was royalty. The show examined what happens when a mechanic from Maryland finds out that he's royalty. How does he interact with royal society? How is he supposed to act? While this is certainly noteworthy, something far more significant is realizing that every Christian is suddenly royal in God’s eyes! We are not simply royal, we are priests. In the Old Testament, the Levitical priesthood, from the tribe of Levi, would serve as the priests for the nation of Israel. They were the only ones who would be offering sacrifices in the temple. Only one of them would be annually selected to offer incense in the Holy of Holies. Before John the Baptist was born, Zachariah was serving in the temple, along with the other priests, when he was chosen to offer incense that year. It was during that event, Gabriel spoke to him that John the Baptist would be born from Elizabeth, Zachariah’s wife, in her old age. That year, he alone was given access to the Holy of Holies. Well, Matthew 27:51 records how the temple curtain, keeping people from the Holy of Holies, was torn from top to bottom after Jesus died on the cross for the sins of mankind. This symbolized that God’s presence could be accessed by anyone, not simply by one chosen priest. Now, through what Jesus did on the cross, anyone could enter the Holy of Holies, or have access to God. Today, the Old Testament Levitical priesthood is no longer needed. Today, believers are priests and can come into the presence of God. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” So, as priests, believers have access to God. A priest is also someone who represents the people before God and represents God before the people. In Roman Catholicism, priests are referred to as “pontifex”, and the Pope is referred to as “pontifex maximus” or “greatest pontif.” The term "pontifex" originally referred to a member of the principal college of priests in ancient Rome. The word itself derives from Latin roots meaning "bridge builder.” Priests are bridge builders between God and man. God’s people today are to be bridges bringing people to Jesus Christ. Jesus Alone can take care of their sin problem. For those who repent of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, He will forgive them, cleanse them and bring them into the family of God. However, Christians can be bridge builders, bringing sinful man to holy God. A priest is also someone who offers sacrifices. Psalm 51:17 says, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart.” Hebrews 13:15 says our praise and worship are sacrifices to God. Romans 12:1 says we can offer ourselves as “living sacrifices” to God. Philippians 4:18 says ones’ financial offerings can be a sweet-smelling incense before God. We are also called “a holy nation.” Isaiah 6:1-8 and Revelation 4:8 describe scenes in heaven where angels are surrounding the throne, saying “holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.” The characteristic of God highlighted by the angels is His holiness. Likewise, children of God should be known for their holiness. To be holy means to be clean in a polluted world. We get the words “sacred” and “set apart” from the word “holy”. It means being set apart, both from something and to something. A wedding band symbolizes two spouses being set apart in two different ways. Both spouses are set apart from all others, committing themselves to stay faithful to each other. There should be no competition outside of one’s marriage. Also, both spouses are also set apart to each other. This describes dedication and loyalty to one another. Spiritually, we should be set apart from sin. We should be set apart to God. To be holy also means to be different. Christians are living their lives differently than the people of this world. Christians are moving in a different direction. There is a philosophy amongst some of God’s people that the church must become more like the world in order to reach them. However, the Bible says that God’s people are different from this world. It’s actually when the church is different from the world that it inevitably attracts the world. Don’t be ashamed for living differently from friends, neighbors, family members or coworkers who are not Christians. The child of God should be walking the straight and narrow path, reflecting God to this world. Lastly, we are also called “His own special people.” I learned the phrase in the King James Version, which expresses it as a “peculiar people.” When Lydia and I were dating and just getting to know one another, she would say, “You’re kind of peculiar.” I told her that was in the Bible, and quoted this verse. Well, this phrase does not mean that if you are a Christian, you will be odd. The phrase can be illustrated this way. Imagine drawing a circle and proclaiming everything in that circle as belonging to God. It designates ownership. Christians belong to God. That’s why the newer versions will describe it as a special possession of God. One’s ministry should be expressed through these identities. Because we are in the family of God, our ministry should reflect God’s loving desire to grow that family. Because we are royal priests, our ministry should bring to God. Because we are holy, our ministry should be dedicated to God. Because we belong to God, our ministry should reflect His desire for our lives. These identities will guide our ministry to be Christ-honoring and reflecting God to others. “Father God, I praise You that You have brought me into the family of God! I am royalty! I am a priest! I am set apart for You! I am special to You! I offer my life to You as a sacrifice of my worship. You are worthy of my worship. I love You, In Jesus’ name, amen.” [1], accessed 8/7/2024. |
About JoshFollower of Jesus Christ, husband, father, pastor. Archives
September 2024